Estate Security
Global Threat Solutions has developed a comprehensive system that provides protection for your residence or estate of all sizes and types. Our Protection Agents are professional, discreet, and trained to the specific needs of your property. Our system of patrols, video surveillance monitoring, access control, and continuous observation of activity surrounding your residence will give you Peace of Mind in Uncertain Times.
Our Estate Security services include
- Plainclothes or uniformed Protection Agents
- Armed or Unarmed
- Foot or Vehicle Patrols
- Video Surveillance Monitoring
- Access Control
- Periodic Security Assessments
- Perimeter Checks
- Large Property Vehicle Patrols
- Direct Coordination with Executive Protection Team
- Corporate Residential Security Services
- Estate Management Services

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Our Locations
With offices in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, London, Frankfurt, and Mumbai, Global Threat Solutions is well-positioned to give you, your family, and your business Peace of Mind in Uncertain Times. We have several locations worldwide. Please see more information below.


